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Folklore: The Affliction – Dark Tales Expansion

Кол-во игроков:
1-5 (рекомендуем -)
Время партии:
30-120 мин.
от 14 лет



2 издание.

Дополнение к игре Folklore: The Affliction с новыми приключениями, героями и монстрами

Описание игры любезно предоставлено

  • 6x new hero miniatures
  • 1x Orinthe the Blood Queen miniature
  • 2x Dark Dryad miniatures
  • 1x Stregha Witch Coven miniatures
  • 1x Otherian miniature
  • 2x The Possessed miniatures
  • 3x Demon Spawn miniatures
  • 2x Highwayman miniatures
  • 2x Banshee miniatures
  • 2x Wretched Hag miniatures
  • 2x Watchman miniatures
  • 4x Hand of Death miniatures
  • 1x Undertaker miniature
  • 1x Vicious Hound miniature
  • 1x Far East Alchemist miniature
  • 1x Valdleany miniature
  • 1x Galastig miniature
  • 1x Arch-Fiend + 3x demonic flame miniatures
  • 1x Bánánach miniature
  • This is speculated to be in the Dark Tales box, based on the updates from the Kickstarter:
  • 1x Card set Powers of the Otherworld (update 3)
  • 1x Card set Rumors (update 6)
  • 10x new Elite Creature cards (update 19)
  • 2x map tiles 10x10 alchemists tower (update 2)
  • 2x map tiles 10x10 dungeon halls (update 4)
  • 2x map tiles (Dark Spire) (update 5)
  • 2x map tiles 10x10 graveyard + docks (update 19)
  • 2x map tiles 10x10 + 2x passageways 5x10 (update 19)
  • 2x map tiles 4 locations (update 20)
  • 5x room tiles + 3x long hallways + 2x short hallways (update 13)
  • (Total of 24 map tiles)
  • Story Journal: Shadow of the Dark Spire (update 5)
  • Story Journal: Castles & Manors (update 14)
  • Story Journal: The Bone Isle (update 19)
  • Story Book: 2 adventures (update 13)

    8 590 руб.

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    8 (800) 300-66-26

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